Monday, 31 October 2016

Steps To Making A Short Film

When making a short film, there are six main steps to follow to make it a success. Step one is to decide the type of production that you will be carrying out; step two is planning how you are going to manage your time to make the type of production for your choice; step three is the resources that you will need; step four is planning the budget; step five is the communication between cast and crew working on the production or your choice and step six is about legality of how you are going to broadcast your final product.

For this step, my choice of production is a film. Choosing this type of production affects my planning as it will create a different planning technique. Planning a film wouldn't take as long as planning a TV show because you don't have to plan out every episode or fill out new paper work for every episode.

I will manage time in this project by filling out a call sheet and this tells people who and when they are needed within in the film. It also tells crew such as the drivers who they are taking, in what car and the time that they are taking them.

I will work out the resources that I will need by using the script breakdown and this shows what equipment that I would need on a daily basis, the crew that I would have day-to-day and which locations we would be at for each scene.

I will manage my budget for this by creating a equipment booking form. This will help me to plan out what equipment I will need, how much it is to rent for a day and how many of the same thing I will need. 

I will communicate with the people that I'm working with about the film by using story boards and this gives a frame-by-frame shot to show what is happening to all the cast and crew. It also provides a short description of what is happening in each scene. I will also make a risk assessment to make sure that everyone is known of any risks that may be around the set or with equipment that I may want the cast to use.

To make sure everything that I have permission for everything that I will use, I will write up a contributor release form to write to the original creator to make sure that it is certain to them that I will not be using their creations straight off and that I will be editing them to make them my own.

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